Sunday, March 14, 2010

We're here!

The first leg of our trip was the flight to Houston. Not so bad, as airlines go. I made barf bag puppets and did a puppet show for the folks seated behind us. They were not as amused as I had hoped they would be. I left the puppets behind, hoping they would brighten the day of some unsuspecting puppet-finder. Then we discovered that Judy had left her glucometer and insulin at the hotel in SeaTac. Fortunately, as she was telling us and others in our group, random strangers overheard, happened to be diabetic, and happened to have enough supplies to fix her up. They refused payment, and went on their separate ways. We don't know who they are, but thank goodness that they exist - we love you guys!
Our layover in Houston was over 3 hours long - plenty of time to hike from one end of the world to the other (all within the same concourse!) and then find out that they were switching gates around and we'd have to go more than halfway back. So I got some power-walking in today. Lunch consisted of various airport food court foods - mine were mostly Italian, but I snuck in an Auntie Anne's pretzel too. Yum! Although the flight info we were given said we'd only be served a snack on our next leg of the trip, the flight staff handed out salads and cheeseburgers on the next plane. This time, the barf bag puppet I made was a burro. He did not present a show to the folks behind us as someone's water bottle decided to empty part of itself on my seat, and I took a nap on a pile of napkins. By the time we landed, got through customs, and got out to meet the rest of our WorldVets team, it was about 10pm Nicaragua time. We loaded up onto our bus and headed south for about 2 and a half hours. Then we drove around San Juan Del Sur for another HOUR because the driver didn't know where we were headed, and none of the locals he asked could explain it to him. Eventually someone got ahold of someone who sent a moped delivery guy to meet us and show us the way. It was a great adventure, and now I'm pretty sure I could find my way to just about any night spot in downtown. There's an Irish pub, a karaoke bar, a bunch of hotels, and of course the "Crazy Crab Beach Club" which I can still hear up at our villa, despite our being eons away at the top of a cliff. There is a swimming pool right at the edge of the cliff, and the villa is the most open, airy, awesome house I've ever seen. Photos will follow, but it is way too dark and way too late to mess with that right now.
Happy Daylight Savings Time!

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